Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's Not That I Mind, I Just Don't Get It! (Part 1)

We all have issues that irritate us - we call them pet peeves. I listed a few of mine in a previous post. And then there are some other issues that don't necessarily irritate me, but I just don't get it. These are the things that, to me, just don't make much sense. Now I guarantee you that I do lots of things that don't make sense to others - I'll readily admit to that. You can put that in YOUR blog. Right now, we're dialed in to mine. So here are a few for starters:

  • There's a sign at the grocery store that says they will sell me a reusable bag for $2 that I can use everytime I come in. That way I won't have to use those nasty plastic bags. So let me get this want me to BUY a bag from you so I won't use the bags that you already provide me? And your motives, Mr. Grocer, are purely for the sake of old Mother Earth? And they don't have anything to do with your bottom line profit? If you're that concerned about the environment, then GIVE me the resusable bag and use all the money you save on the plastic bags to pay for it.
  • Why is there a "Self Help" section in the bookstore? If I could help myself, I wouldn't be here to buy a book.
  • Why do real estate agents have to have their pictures on their business cards? Do you know anyone else who does this? Does it really matter what they look like? Doesn't it put all the ugly real estate agents at a disadvantage? Isn't this some kind of discrimination?
  • Is it possible to ride a Harley Davidson motorcycle without wearing some article of clothing that has Harley Davidson on it? I don't think they'll start without it. I'm not a motorcycle enthusiast, but I don't think I could afford a new motorcycle AND a new wardrobe. I see guys my age wearing a do-rag with Harley Davidson on it. What's the message here? I've never had the urge to wear a do-rag with anything on it. But I've never seen anyone riding a Harley that didn't have the clothing line to match. I have two cars, but no clothing to match either one. And after I buy a car, I don't go down to the dealership every Saturday to hang out. I guess I'm missing something.
  • While we're on the subject of clothing, how about camouflage? I haven't hunted since I was a kid, but apparently now you can't hunt without it. Heck, you can't even go to the grocery store without it. I guess it's somewhat of a fashion statement for some. You know, camouflage cap, shirt, pants, shoes. I understand all of that. It's the camouflage wallet that I don't quite get. What are we trying to accomplish here? Is this so we won't scare the deer in case we're asked for ID in the woods? Do we not want to find it if we drop it?

Well, that should do it for Part 1 and maybe get you thinking a little. I'll bet there are some things out there that don't make sense to you, either. Just remember, we're all a little weird to someone else.

Till next time......

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