Thursday, February 10, 2011

Random Ruminations

I don't know about you, but I'm about ready for spring. I'll tell you, I've had just about all of Al Gore's global warming I can stand! We just had the seventh measurable snowfall in Nashville this winter - and we have a few weeks to go. Which brings me to my first topic - where are all the treehuggers when the highway guys are dumping all this stuff on the roads to melt the snow? Every county in our state has run low - or completely out - of salt, which means they've dumped a bunch on the roads. This is in addition to sand, brine mixture, and beet juice - yes, I said beet juice (apparently it makes the other stuff stick to the road better). So what happens when all that salt hits the water supply? You'd think our drinking water would have a sodium content just slightly lower than beef jerky. I'm surprised all these 'green thinkers' don't have us using sea salt on the roadways. After all, it's much better for you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. The less I hear from these guys, the better. It's just odd that the same people who complain about the sodium content in Doritos haven't had road salt pop up on the radar yet. Oh well, give them time.

On to more important issues. This situation in Egypt is something, isn't it? For all the problems we have in this country, there's still no other place I'd rather be. I have no desire to travel outside the U.S. For one thing, a lot of the people outside our borders don't like us. So why should I go visit them and spend my money in their country when they don't want me there in the first place? Seems like a no-brainer to me. And what about Egyptian president Mubarak? He says if he leaves office it might create chaos in his country. Really? As opposed to what's going on there now, you mean? Well, we certainly wouldn't want him to do anything that would cause any unrest in the region. Hosni, old boy, I think that ship has sailed!

And finally, I read the other day that one of the most popular TV shows in a while is a new show called "Harry's Law". I agree, it's pretty good. If you haven't seen it, it stars Kathy Bates as a middle aged lawyer who got fed up with the big law firm she worked for and opened an office in a lousy neighborhood in Cincinnati. And what makes this show unique? Well, it's a story about a lawyer who doesn't need the finest accomodations, uses common sense, has compassion for those less fortunate, doesn't let special interests dictate her position, carries a pistol, and holds firm to her convictions. So why is it so popular? Well, because her values represent most of us in America. We get to see on the small screen what we can't see in real life. The majority of Americans subscribe to all those ideals, but the politicians won't let us see them played out in our daily lives. Sad, isn't it? We've allowed Washington to hijack our core values (again!).

Well, in light of all the wintry weather out there, remember the first thing Eskimos teach their children - don't eat the yellow snow!

Till next time..........

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