Monday, April 26, 2010

The Arizona Immigration Bill

Have you heard all the hoopla about this? Seems the governor of Arizona signed a bill giving law enforcement the right to ask for proof of citizenship when a person is being questioned in connection with any violation and they suspect the person may be here illegally. What’s the problem, you ask? Well, the left-leaners say this will lead to racial profiling and a violation of personal rights. They say this gives police too much authority and will cause aggravation to many who are here legally. Well, they’re probably right. So what? I’m guessing that most of the illegal aliens (a.k.a. undocumented workers) in Arizona are Hispanic. I say this because I haven’t heard of any great influx of Chinese or Irish in Phoenix or Tucson. To quote that great American philosopher, Andy Rooney, “When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability.” I’d say the same is true for Hispanics in Arizona.

President Obama has called the action “misguided” and asked the Justice Department to examine it to see if it is legal. Well, if there’s an expert on “misguided” it’s probably him. So if the Feds are so upset with this, why haven’t they fixed the problem? Gov. Jan Brewer says she is doing what is “best for the state of Arizona”. Isn’t that what the people of her state elected her to do? Frankly, I wish our governor would always do what’s in the best interest of Tennessee.

Mark my words, the federal government will do something stupid as relates to this situation (now there’s a surprise!). They’ll fast track an appeal to the federal courts or stick their nose in Arizona’s business in some other way. It irritates me to no end when someone does something that makes perfect sense – like Gov. Brewer - and gets criticized for it.

So, let’s see, you’re in Arizona, which borders Mexico. You have a problem with illegal aliens and you want to correct it. Would it make any sense to perhaps check the i.d.’s of lawbreakers who look like they might come from Mexico? Nah! Not before checking with the ACLU. We might hurt their feelings or cause damage to their self esteem. Never mind that we might fix the illegal alien problem in the process.

Oh, and one more thing. If we grant amnesty to the illegal aliens already here, that means we have 20 million more people qualifying for the new healthcare plan. Who’s going to pay for that? Wait…..I think I know the answer to that one.

Till next time………

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