Friday, August 20, 2010

A Politician, a Pitcher, and a Quarterback

Three things that have absolutely nothing in common except that they're all in the news. Let's dig in...

First, to politics. With the mid-term election season in full bloom, both parties are attempting to make a political statement with every single thing that happens - or doesn't happen. It used to be that it only happened just prior to the election by whomever was behind in the polls. Today, it's year-round by all parties. No political potato is hotter than the proposed mosque a couple of blocks from ground zero. Have you ever seen so many people trying to go so many directions at the same time? President Obama said to a group of Muslims that he thought they should be allowed to build a mosque anywhere they wanted, even near ground zero. Then later, when he was questioned about it, he said he didn't say it was a good idea, only that they should be allowed to build it. I haven't seen this much tapdancing since Bill "Bojangles" Robinson and Shirley Temple. New York's Mayor Bloomberg, who is Jewish, says he's for it. That can't be real popular in New York. Harry Reid says he's against it. Of course, he's in Nevada and a long way from the action.

I guess I'm like a lot of other people - I realize it's their constitutional right to worship as they please and where they please, but it sure rubs me the wrong way for them to rub our collective noses in it. We're always being thrown under the bus for being "insensitive" to other races and religions. So how about a little sensitivity in our direction? I'm reasonably sure there are some Mexican restaurants in the vicinity of the Alamo today, but we've had about 250 years to cushion the blow a little - not 9. Just give us a little time and let us warm up to the idea - say another 250 years.

Now to sports. Roger Clemens has been indicted for lying to Congress. Anyone else see the irony here? Too bad we can't indict Congress every time they lie to us. Anyway, Clemens has been indicted just two short years after he testified. Well, you can't say Congress wasn't thorough in their investigation. Clemens says he hopes people will "keep and open mind" until the truth comes out. Frankly, I don't think Clemens or Congress would know the truth if it bit them in the butt. Maybe he can call in Barry Bonds as a character witness.

And then there's Brett Favre. He's decided not to retire.....again. How many years in a row have we fallen for this same gimmick? Give me a break on all this "for the love of the game" stuff! And the "I didn't know what I was going to do until today" teaser. Bottom line - he likes being the center of attention, Minnesota likes him being the center of attention, and he doesn't like training camp. If I were one of his teamates I'd want to know why I have to run and sweat and Favre doesn't. And he keeps saying the other quarterbacks on the team support him. Do you believe that? You're out there in July, not to mention the offseason, working out, learning the offense, watching film. Then, about the time training camp is over, a private jet lands and this yahoo from Mississippi gets off and takes your job. Yeah, I'm sure they're fine with that! I don't care if he plays or not, just spare me the Lebronesque announcement. Got to agree with him on one thing, though. If I was in Mississippi, I'd be trying to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. OK, except, maybe Arkansas.

Till next time..........

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