Friday, March 5, 2010

Goodbye, Old Friend

If you've visited this site before, you're probably accustomed to my rantings on everything from healthcare to raising children. My position on most issues is pretty predictable and I try to add a little humor to some otherwise dry subjects. This one's a little different. I buried my best friend today.

Ken was a guy who could find something funny in every situation in life. He was just fun to be around.Together we had played countless holes of golf (our record was 225 holes in 6 days). We played in every weather condition known to man, neither of us willing to admit that it was too cold or wet or hot to play. When my job required that I travel most weeks, we didn't play as much and in recent years had not played much together. I regret that.

Along with our wives, we had shared literally thousands of meals and been on numerous vacations, mission trips, retreats, and the like. Each one always had a memorable experience that we would recall and laugh about for years. Life with Ken was like that - something was always memorable.

We had watched our children grow up together, attended their weddings, been present at the births of grandchildren, and grieved with each other when our parents died. When Ken's son Mike got married, Ken was the best man. Mike said it was because "he's the best man I know." Me, too, Mike.

When I look back at all of the significant events in my adult life, Ken and Bev were there with us. Good times, tough times, laughing, crying. Right alongside, whatever the situation. Always encouraging, always in our corner. Ken gave me a pretty good model for being a good friend. I hope I was as good a friend to him as he was to me. I hope I can be that kind of friend to others.

I'll miss him. I already do. I'll never walk up on the first tee again without thinking about him. But I also know he wouldn't want anyone grieving over him. I had the honor of being a pallbearer today. One of the others reminded me that Ken would have had something smart to say about all of us standing in a line with our suits on, waiting on him. And he probably did, we just didn't hear it.

Because of the faith in Christ we share, I know we'll see him again. Until then, goodbye old friend - and save me a tee time.

Till next time..........

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said David. I've known them all my life and am richly blessed because of it. Some touch your life for a moment and others for a lifetime. For me, they have touched me for a lifetime and I am a better person because God put them there. So glad you guys had a rich friendship.
    Nancy Legard
