Sunday, February 14, 2010

Random Ruminations

I told you in my profile that when it didn't have anything to say, I wouldn't. No sense rambling on when you don't have anything to say. Unless, of course, you're a politician. So here we go - a little catch-up on some odds and ends:

  • Our old friend Doug Jackson, state senator from my home county, is at it again. You may know that Doug was one of the sponsors of the "guns in restaurants" bill that was thrown out by the courts last year. In this session, he's the proud sponsor of a constitutional amendment that guarantees our right to hunt and fish (bet you didn't know anyone was trying to take that away). Now he's trying to outlaw the airing of the "Girls Gone Wild" videos on late night television. The bill would set a fine of $50.000 for any station who ran the promo spots. Sen. Jackson said, "The more I thought about it, I said, 'You know, it's time to draw the line." Sounds like Doug has way too much time to think. Might be good if he exercised is constitutional right to fish and took a little time off to reassess his priorities.
  • I just couldn't pass this one up. Check this out, courtesy of The Nashville Tennessean......"Boxer Evander Holyfield's wife has received a temporary protective order against the former heavyweight champion after claiming he hit her several times after an argument about money. Candi Holyfield said her 47 year-old husband was concerned she was not giving to their church." Now here's a guy who takes his tithing seriously!
  • And have you heard about this......."The Cash for Clunkers program was a big hit last year, and the government hopes the Cash for Appliances program will be just as successful, stimulating the economy and making residents become more energy efficient. In 2010, the government is giving a Cash For Appliances rebate for residents to trade in their old one for a more energy-efficient unit, which is in addition to the tax credit implemented last year." So here's my question - when does the Cash for Golf Clubs program start? I'm hoping a new set would be more energy efficient.
  • And where's Al "Global Warming" Gore been lately? He seems to have been keeping a pretty low profile while all the bitter cold and snow storms have been in the news. Maybe he's in Washington, helping them shovel snow. One thing's for sure - if Al's around, something will need to be shoveled.
  • And finally, hats off to Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana. Sen. Bayh announced that he will not seek a third term in the senate. "To put it in words I think most people can understand: I love working for the people of Indiana, I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress," Bayh said at a news conference. Well, Senator, join the club! Most of us don't like them, either. At least he has the guts to say he's not going to do this stupid dance any longer. I salute him for admitting he doesn't have the stomach for it anymore. Nice to see someone up there who still has some scruples.

Well, it's off to Dallas for a couple of days. I have to remind those guys that if it wasn't for Tennesseans like Davy Crockett and Sam Houston, they'd still be speaking Spanish down there. Then again, they pretty much are still speaking Spanish down there!

Till next time..........

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